
Fiona Wang, PCC, CMC

Coach | Mentor Coach | Coach Trainer | Mind-Therapist | Counselor

Your Reliable Partner in Personal and Professional Growth.
Fiona is ready to partner with you for your best personal and professional development. She believes that everyone is resourceful and has the opportunity to actualize their best and highest potentials.

Fiona Wang holds a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential from ICF and is a Registered ICF Mentor Coach. She has more than 20 years of experience as an executive in FMCG and retail.

Fiona has also served as a counselor, mind therapist, and life coach since 2009. She has been providing trainings and seminars on wellness and leadership since 2012. After resigning from her position as Vice President at a national retail company, Fiona currently dedicates her time as a professional coach and a coach trainer at the Integra Institute.

She developed SMILE coaching tools to help people easily learn practical coaching skills that are already widely used by personnel and corporates. Fiona has a strong interest in Mind technology and developed an Intuitive Coaching program.

Intuitive Coaching is a coaching approach that not only empowers the Rational mind but also explores the Intuitive Mind of the client. She also created the Intuitive Coaching Cards and Intuitive Leadership Tools as instruments for learning and developing intuition. The Intuitive Coaching program has received Continuing Coach Education (CCE) accreditation from the International Coaching Federation (ICF) which gives 10 CCEu (6 CC & 4 RD).

Trainings and Certifications :

  • Erickson Certified Professional Coach (Erickson International, USA)
  • Associate Certified Meta Coach (Meta Coach Foundation, USA)
  • Certified Executive Coach (International Coaching Community, England)
  • iWAM Certified Professional Consultant (the Institute of Work Attitude and Motivation)
  • Certified Mentor Coach (Coach Cachet, Oregon)
  • Certified 3 Brains coach (Personal Excellence and Leadership Academy, Madrid)
  • Habits by Design (Brain by Design, Boston)
  • Licensed Master Practitioner of NLP™  (The Society of NLP™, USA)
  • Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Semantics (International Society of Neuro-Semantics)
  • Certified Consulting Hypnotist (NGH,USA)
  • Executive Thinking Training by Michael L. Hall, Phd
  • Certified Master of Ego State Therapy/ Resource Therapy (Gordon Emmerson, Australia)
  • Certified Timeline Therapy Practitioner (TLTA, USA)
  • Psychosomatic Therapist (Psychosomatic Therapy College, Australia)
  • Counselor Training by Robert Pereira, an International Counselor & Trainer (Effective Training Institute of Australia, Adelaide)
  • Advanced Hypnotherapy Workshop by Bryan Perry (Human Resource Centre, Adelaide)
  • Certified Master Clinical Hypnotherapist (SOM, IACH, Jakarta)
  • Certified Behavior Analyst (Indonesian Human Resource Analyst Association (IHRAA)
  • Certified Instructor of Hypnotherapy (Indonesia Board of Hypnotherapy, Jakarta)


  • Professional Certified Coach (International Coach Federation) since 2018..
  • Registered Mentor Coach (International Coach Federation) since 2021.
  • Co-Founder & Director LKP Integra Institute, Tangerang (2016).
  • Founder of Intuitive Coaching Practitioner & Intuitive Leadership Practitioner (2019).
  • Doctoral Student of Leadership & Innovation Policy at Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta since 2021.
  • iWAM Certified Professional Consultant (the Institute of Work Attitude and Motivation) since 2020.
  • Coaching Specialization in Life & Wellness Coaching since 2012, Leadership & Executive Coaching since 2015.
  • Counseling & Therapy Specialization in PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and Psychosomatic Therapy since 2016.
  • Counselor & Mind Therapist since 2010, Trainer of Mind Technology & Self-Empowerment since 2011.
  • 20 years experience in FMCG and Retail industry, with 16 years specializing in Retail Merchandising, 2001 – 2017, Last position as Vice President of Grocery Merchandising.
  • BNSP Indonesia Certified Primary Trainer since 2018 and Certified Assessor since 2021.
  • Leadership & Corporate Coach at Vanaya Coaching International, Jakarta (Nov 2016 – Dec 2018)

Core Competencies:

  • Consultant and Coach for Performance & Potential Development
  • Leadership & Executive Coaching skills
  • Life & Wellness Coaching Skills
  • PTSD & Psychosomatic Mind Therapy
  • Counseling Skills
  • Training Skills For Leadership, Management, and Self Development.
  • Training Skills for Life Skills & Self-Help Program (Founder of Self Help Practitioner®)
  • Negotiation & Retail Merchandising Skill

Author & Creator:

  • Author of Transpersonal Self Mastery Book
  • Author of Nusantara Oracle Cards (Self-Therapy tools)
  • Co-Author of 33 Inspirasi Coaching for Indonesia
  • Co-Author of Life Purpose Oracle Book
  • Creator of SMILE Coaching Cards & SMILE Coaching Boardgame
  • Creator of Intuitive Coaching Cards
  • Creator of Intuitive Leadership Tools
  • Master Trainer of SMILE Coaching
  • Master Trainer of Intuitive Coaching

Greetings from Fiona:

Hi There, Thank you for visiting and looking at my profile. Two reasons why I am the right partner for you:

First, I believe that my Knowledge, Skills and Experience can contribute to the change you want in your personal and professional life right now.

Second, I care and have faith for the transformation you deserve. I believe that everyone can actualize themselves and achieve the best performances & potentials.

Looking forward to having a co-creation with you, unlocking the potentials!

“Implementing the Art of Co-Creation To Optimize Your Wellbeing and Holistic Success”