Trainings and Certifications :
- Erickson Certified Professional Coach (Erickson International, USA)
- Associate Certified Meta Coach (Meta Coach Foundation, USA)
- Certified Executive Coach (International Coaching Community, England)
- iWAM Certified Professional Consultant (the Institute of Work Attitude and Motivation)
- Certified Mentor Coach (Coach Cachet, Oregon)
- Certified 3 Brains coach (Personal Excellence and Leadership Academy, Madrid)
- Habits by Design (Brain by Design, Boston)
- Licensed Master Practitioner of NLP™ (The Society of NLP™, USA)
- Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Semantics (International Society of Neuro-Semantics)
- Certified Consulting Hypnotist (NGH,USA)
- Executive Thinking Training by Michael L. Hall, Phd
- Certified Master of Ego State Therapy/ Resource Therapy (Gordon Emmerson, Australia)
- Certified Timeline Therapy Practitioner (TLTA, USA)
- Psychosomatic Therapist (Psychosomatic Therapy College, Australia)
- Counselor Training by Robert Pereira, an International Counselor & Trainer (Effective Training Institute of Australia, Adelaide)
- Advanced Hypnotherapy Workshop by Bryan Perry (Human Resource Centre, Adelaide)
- Certified Master Clinical Hypnotherapist (SOM, IACH, Jakarta)
- Certified Behavior Analyst (Indonesian Human Resource Analyst Association (IHRAA)
- Certified Instructor of Hypnotherapy (Indonesia Board of Hypnotherapy, Jakarta)